Source code for aabbtree

import copy
from collections import deque

__all__ = ['AABB', 'AABBTree']
__author__ = 'Kenneth (Kip) Hart'

[docs]class AABB(object): """Axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) The AABB is a d-dimensional box. Args: limits (iterable, optional): The limits of the box. These should be specified in the following manner:: limits = [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax), ...] The default value is None. """ def __init__(self, limits=None): if limits is not None: for lims in limits: if len(lims) != 2 or lims[0] > lims[1]: e_str = 'Limits not in (lower, upper) format: ' e_str += str(lims) raise ValueError(e_str) self.limits = limits self._i = 0 def __str__(self): return str(self.limits) def __repr__(self): return 'AABB(' + repr(self.limits) + ')' def __iter__(self): self._i = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self._i < len(self): val = self.limits[self._i] self._i += 1 return val raise StopIteration def next(self): # pragma: no cover """___next__ for Python 2""" return self.__next__() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.limits[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.limits) def __eq__(self, aabb): if not isinstance(aabb, AABB): return False if (self.limits is None) and (aabb.limits is None): return True if (self.limits is None) or (aabb.limits is None): return False if len(self.limits) != len(aabb.limits): return False for i, lims1 in enumerate(self.limits): lims2 = aabb[i] if (lims1[0] != lims2[0]) or (lims1[1] != lims2[1]): return False return True def __ne__(self, aabb): return not self.__eq__(aabb)
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, aabb1, aabb2): """Merge AABB Find the AABB of the union of AABBs. Args: aabb1 (AABB): An AABB aabb2 (AABB): An AABB Returns: AABB: An AABB that contains both of the inputs """ if (aabb1.limits is None) and (aabb2.limits is None): return cls(None) if aabb1.limits is None: return cls(aabb2.limits) if aabb2.limits is None: return cls(aabb1.limits) if len(aabb1.limits) != len(aabb2.limits): e_str = 'AABBs of different dimensions: ' + str(len(aabb1)) e_str += ' and ' + str(len(aabb2)) raise ValueError(e_str) return cls([_merge(*lims) for lims in zip(aabb1.limits, aabb2.limits)])
@property def perimeter(self): r"""float: perimeter of AABB The perimeter :math:`p_n` of an AABB with side lengths :math:`l_1 \ldots l_n` is: .. math:: p_1 &= 0 \\ p_2 &= 2 (l_1 + l_2) \\ p_3 &= 2 (l_1 l_2 + l_2 l_3 + l_1 l_3) \\ p_n &= 2 \sum_{i=1}^n \prod_{j=1\neq i}^n l_j """ if len(self.limits) == 1: return 0 perim = 0 side_lens = [ub - lb for lb, ub in self.limits] n_dim = len(side_lens) for i in range(n_dim): p_edge = 1 for j in range(n_dim): if j != i: p_edge *= side_lens[j] perim += p_edge return 2 * perim @property def volume(self): r"""float: volume of AABB The volume :math:`V_n` of an AABB with side lengths :math:`l_1 \ldots l_n` is: .. math:: V_1 &= l_1 \\ V_2 &= l_1 l_2 \\ V_3 &= l_1 l_2 l_3 \\ V_n &= \prod_{i=1}^n l_i """ vol = 1 for lb, ub in self.limits: vol *= ub - lb return vol @property def corners(self): """list: corner points of AABB""" n_dim = len(self.limits) f = '{:0' + str(n_dim) + 'b}' n_corners = 2 ** n_dim corners = [] for i in range(n_corners): inds = [int(s) for s in f.format(i)] # convert i to binary list corner = [self.limits[d][ind] for d, ind in enumerate(inds)] corners.append(corner) return corners
[docs] def overlaps(self, aabb): """Determine if two AABBs overlap Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to check for overlap Returns: bool: Flag set to true if the two AABBs overlap """ if (self.limits is None) or (aabb.limits is None): return False for (min1, max1), (min2, max2) in zip(self.limits, aabb.limits): if min1 >= max2: return False if min2 >= max1: return False return True
[docs] def overlap_volume(self, aabb): r"""Determine volume of overlap between AABBs Let :math:`\left(l_i^{(1)}, u_i^{(1)}\right)` be the i-th dimension lower and upper bounds for AABB 1, and let :math:`\left(l_i^{(2)}, u_i^{(2)}\right)` be the lower and upper bounds for AABB 2. The volume of overlap is: .. math:: V = \prod_{i=1}^n \text{max}\left(0, \text{min}\left(u_i^{(1)}, u_i^{(2)}\right) - \text{max}\left(l_i^{(1)}, l_i^{(2)}\right) \right) Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to calculate for overlap volume Returns: float: Volume of overlap """ # NOQA: E501 volume = 1 for (min1, max1), (min2, max2) in zip(self.limits, aabb.limits): overlap_min = max(min1, min2) overlap_max = min(max1, max2) if overlap_min >= overlap_max: return 0 volume *= overlap_max - overlap_min return volume
[docs]class AABBTree(object): """Static AABB Tree An AABB tree where the bounds of each AABB do not change. Args: aabb (AABB): An AABB value: The value associated with the AABB left (AABBTree, optional): The left branch of the tree right (AABBTree, optional): The right branch of the tree """ # NOQA: E501 def __init__(self, aabb=AABB(), value=None, left=None, right=None): self.aabb = aabb self.value = value self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self): inp_strs = [] if self.aabb != AABB(): inp_strs.append('aabb=' + repr(self.aabb)) if self.value is not None: inp_strs.append('value=' + repr(self.value)) if self.left is not None: inp_strs.append('left=' + repr(self.left)) if self.right is not None: inp_strs.append('right=' + repr(self.right)) return 'AABBTree(' + ', '.join(inp_strs) + ')' def __str__(self, n=0): pre = n * ' ' aabb_str = pre + 'AABB: ' if self.aabb == AABB(): aabb_str += 'None' else: aabb_str += str(self.aabb) value_str = pre + 'Value: ' + str(self.value) left_str = pre + 'Left:' if self.left is None: left_str += ' None' else: left_str += '\n' + self.left.__str__(n + 1) right_str = pre + 'Right:' if self.right is None: right_str += ' None' else: right_str += '\n' + self.right.__str__(n + 1) return '\n'.join([aabb_str, value_str, left_str, right_str]) def __eq__(self, aabbtree): if not isinstance(aabbtree, AABBTree): return False if self.aabb != aabbtree.aabb: return False if self.is_leaf != aabbtree.is_leaf: return False return (self.left == aabbtree.left) and (self.right == aabbtree.right) def __ne__(self, aabbtree): return not self.__eq__(aabbtree) def __len__(self): if self.is_leaf: return int(self.aabb != AABB()) else: return len(self.left) + len(self.right) @property def is_leaf(self): """bool: returns True if is leaf node""" return (self.left is None) and (self.right is None) @property def depth(self): """int: Depth of the tree""" if self.is_leaf: return 0 else: return 1 + max(self.left.depth, self.right.depth)
[docs] def add(self, aabb, value=None, method='volume'): r"""Add node to tree This function inserts a node into the AABB tree. The function chooses one of three options for adding the node to the tree: * Add it to the left side * Add it to the right side * Become a leaf node The cost of each option is calculated based on the *method* keyword, and the option with the lowest cost is chosen. Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to add. value: The value associated with the AABB. Defaults to None. method (str): The method for deciding how to build the tree. Should be one of the following: * volume **volume** *Costs based on total bounding volume and overlap volume* Let :math:`p` denote the parent, :math:`l` denote the left child, :math:`r` denote the right child, :math:`x` denote the AABB to add, and :math:`V` be the volume of an AABB. The three options to add :math:`x` to the left branch, add it to the right branch, or create a new parent. The cost associated with each of these options is: .. math:: C(\text{add left}) &= V(p \cup x) - V(p) + V(l \cup x) - V(l) + V((l \cup x) \cap r) \\ C(\text{add right}) &= V(p \cup x) - V(p) + V(r \cup x) - V(r) + V((r \cup x) \cap l) \\ C(\text{create parent}) &= V(p \cup x) + V(p \cap x) In the add-left cost, the term :math:`V(b \cup x) - V(b)` is the increase in parent bounding volume. The cost :math:`V(l \cup x) - V(l)` is the increase in left child bounding volume. The last term, :math:`V((l \cup x) \cap r)` is the overlapping volume between children if :math:`x` were added to the left child. The cost to create a new parent is the bounding volume of the parent and :math:`x` plus their overlap volume. This cost function includes the increases in bounding volumes and the amount of overlap- two values a balanced AABB tree should minimize. The cost function suits the author's current needs, though other applications may seek different tree properties. Please visit the `AABBTree repository`_ if interested in implementing another cost function. .. _`AABBTree repository`: """ # NOQA: E501 if self.aabb == AABB(): self.aabb = aabb self.value = value elif self.is_leaf: self.left = copy.deepcopy(self) self.right = AABBTree(aabb, value) self.aabb = AABB.merge(self.aabb, aabb) self.value = None else: if method == 'volume': # Define merged AABBs branch_merge = AABB.merge(self.aabb, aabb) left_merge = AABB.merge(self.left.aabb, aabb) right_merge = AABB.merge(self.right.aabb, aabb) # Calculate the change in the sum of the bounding volumes branch_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume left_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume - self.aabb.volume left_bnd_cost += left_merge.volume - self.left.aabb.volume right_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume - self.aabb.volume right_bnd_cost += right_merge.volume - self.right.aabb.volume # Calculate amount of overlap branch_olap_cost = self.aabb.overlap_volume(aabb) left_olap_cost = left_merge.overlap_volume(self.right.aabb) right_olap_cost = right_merge.overlap_volume(self.left.aabb) # Calculate total cost branch_cost = branch_bnd_cost + branch_olap_cost left_cost = left_bnd_cost + left_olap_cost right_cost = right_bnd_cost + right_olap_cost else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized method: ' + str(method)) if branch_cost < left_cost and branch_cost < right_cost: self.left = copy.deepcopy(self) self.right = AABBTree(aabb, value) self.value = None elif left_cost < right_cost: self.left.add(aabb, value) else: self.right.add(aabb, value) self.aabb = AABB.merge(self.left.aabb, self.right.aabb)
[docs] def does_overlap(self, aabb, method='DFS'): """Check for overlap This function checks if the limits overlap any leaf nodes in the tree. It returns true if there is an overlap. Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to check. method (str): {'DFS'|'BFS'} Method for traversing the tree. Setting 'DFS' performs a depth-first search and 'BFS' performs a breadth-first search. Defaults to 'DFS'. Returns: bool: True if overlaps with a leaf node of tree. """ if method == 'DFS': if self.is_leaf: return self.aabb.overlaps(aabb) left_aabb_over = self.left.aabb.overlaps(aabb) right_aabb_over = self.right.aabb.overlaps(aabb) if left_aabb_over and self.left.does_overlap(aabb): return True if right_aabb_over and self.right.does_overlap(aabb): return True return False if method == 'BFS': q = deque() q.append(self) while len(q) > 0: node = q.popleft() overlaps = node.aabb.overlaps(aabb) if overlaps and node.is_leaf: return True if overlaps: q.append(node.left) q.append(node.right) return False e_str = "method should be 'DFS' or 'BFS', not " + str(method) raise ValueError(e_str)
[docs] def overlap_aabbs(self, aabb, method='DFS'): """Get overlapping AABBs This function gets each overlapping AABB. Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to check. method (str): {'DFS'|'BFS'} Method for traversing the tree. Setting 'DFS' performs a depth-first search and 'BFS' performs a breadth-first search. Defaults to 'DFS'. Returns: list: AABB objects in AABBTree that overlap with the input. """ aabbs = [] if method == 'DFS': is_leaf = self.is_leaf if is_leaf and self.does_overlap(aabb): aabbs.append(self.aabb) elif is_leaf: pass else: if self.left.aabb.overlaps(aabb): aabbs.extend(self.left.overlap_aabbs(aabb)) if self.right.aabb.overlaps(aabb): aabbs.extend(self.right.overlap_aabbs(aabb)) elif method == 'BFS': q = deque() q.append(self) while len(q) > 0: node = q.popleft() if node.aabb.overlaps(aabb): if node.is_leaf: aabbs.append(node.aabb) else: q.append(node.left) q.append(node.right) else: e_str = "method should be 'DFS' or 'BFS', not " + str(method) raise ValueError(e_str) return aabbs
[docs] def overlap_values(self, aabb, method='DFS'): """Get values of overlapping AABBs This function gets the value field of each overlapping AABB. Args: aabb (AABB): The AABB to check. method (str): {'DFS'|'BFS'} Method for traversing the tree. Setting 'DFS' performs a depth-first search and 'BFS' performs a breadth-first search. Defaults to 'DFS'. Returns: list: Value fields of each node that overlaps. """ values = [] if method == 'DFS': is_leaf = self.is_leaf if is_leaf and self.does_overlap(aabb): values.append(self.value) elif is_leaf: pass else: if self.left.aabb.overlaps(aabb): values.extend(self.left.overlap_values(aabb)) if self.right.aabb.overlaps(aabb): values.extend(self.right.overlap_values(aabb)) elif method == 'BFS': q = deque() q.append(self) while len(q) > 0: node = q.popleft() if node.aabb.overlaps(aabb): if node.is_leaf: values.append(node.value) else: q.append(node.left) q.append(node.right) else: e_str = "method should be 'DFS' or 'BFS', not " + str(method) raise ValueError(e_str) return values
def _merge(lims1, lims2): lb = min(lims1[0], lims2[0]) ub = max(lims1[1], lims2[1]) return (lb, ub)